Training and Consultancy

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Tailored dementia training and consultancy in Hobart

Our Goal

Our Training Sessions

Interactive and informative courses that can provide everything from an overview of dementia, to more in-depth, carer specific information.

Training that is cost effective and can cater to those in the aged and disability sectors, as well as those in the business sector.

Our Training

In-house Training

Training that can be tailored
to assist specific workers, carers and staff needs.

Cost effective training tailored to your
organisational requirements and
supporting positive person-focused
dementia care practices.

About Us

About Us

Based in Hobart, Tasmania, Dementia Tas is run by Ros Calvert.

Ros has worked as a diversional therapist for more than twenty years and also has extensive experience as a dementia therapist and trainer.

Dr Jennifer Bute on younger onset dementia
Visit the Glorious Opportunity website

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Our Structured Training Sessions

Understanding Dementia

This course would be beneficial for service staff and maintenance workers as well as a refresher/update for all care staff.

Types of dementia


How the brain works

Changed responses & actions

Problem solving & strategies

Experiencing Dementia

Walk in the shoes of a person with dementia. This interactive

session will give workers greater understanding of what it might be like to have dementia.

Understanding Changed Responses & Actions

From this session participants will be able to identify triggers that can cause changed responses for people with dementia.

What do behavioural expressions mean?

Causes and changed responses & actions.


Person centered approach

Problem solving & strategies

Effective Communication with the Older Person

Interactive workshop, which includes activities to reinforce

effective communication. We will cover why and how we


Identify barriers and successful strategies for communication